Laredo Cancer Society

  LAREDO CANCER SOCIETY, (956) 615-4297, 1700 E. Saunders Ste. A 110 Helps, supports and provides assistance to cancer patients to help them pay gas, rent and utilities when the hospital bills stacked up.  

Ruth B. Cowl Rehabilitation Center

RUTHE B. COWL REHABILITATION CENTER, (956) 722-2431, 1220 Malinche Ave. Outpatient physical, occupational and speech therapy for children and adults; social services, transportation, diagnostic clinics in orthopedic, neurological, cleft-palate, spinal defects, amputation, orthotics.  

Laredo Animal Protective Society

  LAREDO ANIMAL PROTECTIVE SOCIETY, (956) 724-8364, 2500 Gonzalez St. Provides spay and neuter expense for pet owners. This helps lower over-population of dogs and cats that would otherwise be unwanted.  

Laredo HSDA HHIV/AIDS Services Consortia

  LAREDO HSDA HIV/AIDS SERVICES CONSORTIA, (956) 796-9335, 1115 Chihuahua St B Provides services to individuals with HIV/AIDS through various programs that enhance the quality of life. Provides education to the community for early detection, prevention and treatment.  

Communities in Schools of Laredo

COMMUNITIES IN SCHOOLS OF LAREDO, INC., (956) 791-2199, 2114 E. Saunders The nation’s largest stay in school network working with the community building partnerships and helping kids succeed in school and life.  

Kidney Foundation of Laredo

  KIDNEY FOUNDATION OF LAREDO, (956) 723-8808 Provides assistance with transportation to local and out of town evaluations/transplants, one time basis medication, nutritional supplements, hardship emergencies, food and paper products.  

Children’s Advocacy Center of Laredo

  CHILDREN’S ADVOCACY CENTER OF LAREDO, (956) 712-1840, 111 N. Merida The Center provides forensic interviews, counseling, medical referrals, social service referrals on-site and in a child friendly facility to prevent further child abuse.  

Laredo Crime Stoppers

LAREDO CRIME STOPPERS, INC., (956) 727-8477 TIPS Hotline, (800) 558-8477; 724-1876, Admin., 103 Garfield St. Program enables informed citizens to take leadership roles in assisting law enforcement agencies by anonymously reporting criminal activities, making callers eligible for a cash reward. Sharing Special Moments

Gateway Community Health Center, Inc.

  GATEWAY COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTER, INC., (956) 795-8100, 1515 N. Pappas St. Improves children’s dental health by expanding the provision of primary dental services as the most effective way to assure positive future dental health outcomes.