Children’s Advocacy Center

Supporting Children and Families: Empowering Healing and Hope

Michelle Rubio- Children's Adovacy Center Forensic Investigator

The Children’s Advocacy Center of Laredo-Webb County is a non-profit organization that provides a wide range of services for children and non-offending families who are victims of child abuse, domestic violence and/or child witness to a crime. This child-friendly facility provides services and treatment such as community education, prevention and intervention programs, forensic interviews, therapy services, and off-site medical services.

Gateway Community Health Center Dental Clinic offers a variety of dental services to both children and adults. These services include preventive services, restorative services, and limited oral surgery services.

Preventive services include dental exams, radiographs, dental cleanings, oral hygiene instruction and dental sealants. Limited Services such as Restorative or Oral Surgery include dental fillings, pediatric dental crowns and routine dental extractions. Some services are provided by Center Staff in conjunction with prosthodontics and periodontal residents from the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio Dental Branch.