Rosy’s past marriage lasted a year. Unfortunately, she was living in a constant state of terror. Rosy’s life constantly involved living with insults and violence. Five years ago, Rosy’s husband beat her inside a parked vehicle, and left her in the parking lot until midnight. Fortunately, things began to turn around in Rosy’s favor. The police arrived, and took her to the shelter. She resided at Casa de Misericordia for a month.

“I’m alive! I am a survivor of domestic violence and I am blessed and happy!” professed Rosy.  Although Rosy was in a secure place, she still lived in fear. She was terrified that her husband would find and kill her and her two daughters. While residing at Casa de Misericordia, legal aid visited Rosy. The legal team helped her establish a protective order. The protective order allowed Rosy to freely partake in the community.

On July 7, 1998, Casa de Misericordia became active in the community of Laredo. Casa de Misericordia provides safeguarded and temporary residential services to victims of domestic violence. Casa de Misericordia is a sheltered place, where victims of domestic violence can feel protected and collect information on encouraging options for their future such as housing, education, and counseling. Casa de Misericordia also works to connect victims to proper agencies based on their needs.

Five years ago, Sister Rosemary and her rescue team assisted Rosy in receiving counseling, legal assistance, and referrals to other agencies. She explained that she arrived without anything. The day she arrived she received clothes, a roof over head, and food. Most importantly, Rosy received a sense of security.

United Way of Laredo provides Casa de Misericordia funding for client assistance and its overall program. This great partnership between United Way and Casa de Misericordia helps in many aspects to continue and provide assistance to victims of family violence.

Rosy is eternally grateful for all the physical, emotional, moral, and legal support that the team has provided her with. Their words of encouragement built up her personal improvement and allowed her to participate at the education center and earn her degree. “The team at Casa de Misericordia has been an example for my life in the most critical moments,” confessed Rosy. The uplifting moments helped her to continue the program at Casa de Misericordia where she has taken several beauty classes and specializes as a skin massage therapist.  Rosy is also a part of the advisory committee and is a music teacher at the education center. Presently, Rosy has earned a manager position for a company in Austin, Texas.

“Rosy is an example of great courage,” the team at Casa De Misericordia explained. She gives back to the program and community. Rosy is also an advocate for other victims and people who are in similar situations. Now that Rosy feels valued and has restored herself physically and emotionally, she has the strong courage to share her story.  Without the help of Casa de Misericordia, she believes she would have been stuck in the same abusive lifestyle that she was found in.

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